No God Like Yahweh - Alistair Begg
And He Shall Reign: A Study in the Book of Daniel (Volume 1)
The story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego is familiar, but behind it lies the age-old conflict between men in rebellion against God and those who submit to His rule. Alistair Begg explains that the three men responded in faith because they were convinced that God had spoken, that He meant what He said, and that they could commit themselves to His care. God is able to deliver His people, and we must not compromise even if the cost is our lives.
Up Next in And He Shall Reign: A Study in the Book of Daniel (Volume 1)
The King of Heaven (Part 1) - Alistai...
God warned Nebuchadnezzar in a dream to repent of his rebellion and pride, but he continued in sin, placing his trust in his own kingdom and authority. Alistair Begg reminds us that it is God’s great mercy that gives each person the opportunity to repent and turn to Him, but His justice awaits if...
The King of Heaven (Part 2) - Alistai...
Daniel Chapter 4 records Nebuchadnezzar’s journey from rebellion to praise, a hard path marked by humiliation. Alistair Begg explains that God does not relent in His gracious pursuit of sinners, but brings men and women face to face with His greatness so that we can appreciate our need. The wonde...
The Writing on the Wall - Alistair Begg
King Belshazzar threw an extravagant feast marked by sacrilege, idolatry, and pride. Although he knew how God had dealt with Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar failed to humble himself before the Lord. Alistair Begg explains that this story represents a major theme of Daniel: that God has authority over ...