Divine Love (John Witherspoon) - The Whole Counsel
The Whole Counsel
"God loves you." That statement, divorced of the knowledge of the character of God or depth of man's depravity, is empty. But after spending time learning who God is and seeing Him as He presents Himself in Scripture, and contrasting His pure holiness to our rebellion and wickedness, it has an indescribably deep beauty. Why does God love us? For how long will God love us? What can make God stop loving us? All of these are discussed in this week's sermon by John Witherspoon.
Show notes: www.mediagratiae.org/blog/divine-love
To purchase a copy of Salvation in Full Color: http://www.rorbooks.com/?s=salvation+in+full+color
Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-s6Y3xmY4JI
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