Revisiting Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically - Behold Your God Podcast
The Whole Counsel
We wanted to take a few weeks to present a series of special episodes highlighting the teaching from various products produced by Media Gratiae. Some of these you may be aware of. Perhaps you have even gone through the one of more of these studies yourself. If so, we pray these will serve as a special reminder of how God used those studies in your life.
For this week’s special episode, we present to you the first session of Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically. In it, John introduces A.W. Tozer, and discusses how Jesus Christ is the great attraction to the Christian life.
Learn more about Behold Your God: Rethinking God Biblically at
Up Next in The Whole Counsel
Jesus Did Not Come to Improve Old Rel...
As we did last week, we want to present you to a sermon Dr. John Snyder preached at Christ Church New Albany. These two messages are specifically given to draw out hearts to Christ and to see anew how He makes reconciliation with God the Father possible for us.
Subscribe to the Christ Church New...
He Made Room for Us - Behold Your God...
For the next two weeks are presenting two sermons John preached at Christ Church New Albany. We feel these sermons are timely and will serve you better than turning them into podcast episodes. We hope you benefit from them as much as we have.
Subscribe to the Christ Church New Albany YouTube Cha...
Suffering Well with Joel Tiegreen - B...
John speaks this week to Joel Tiegreen. Joel served as a missionary to Turkey for several years until he received a terminal diagnosis of cancer. John talks to Joel about his suffering and the Lord's kindness in it.
Joel served for five years as a missionary to Turkey. He fully expected to die i...