Cancer is Not Your Shepherd - Mike Abendroth

Cancer is Not Your Shepherd - Mike Abendroth

9 Episodes
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“You have cancer.”

These are frightening words, and common words. How are Christians supposed to respond when they, or a family member, hear those words?

Cancer is not your shepherd.

Like it or not, you are shepherded by something or someone. Everyone follows. Each person is led. You might be led by time, circumstances, a worldview, religion, ideology, debt, thoughts or a person. Or cancer. Cancer “shepherds” because it leads. It directs. But sadly, it does not guide, protect or provide. It destroys. Cancer is a bad shepherd. But cancer is not in charge.

Jesus is the Good and Great Shepherd.

Christian, Jesus laid down His life for you. Jesus loves you. He will care for you. He will protect you. He will guide you. He will lead you. You know His voice. He will never leave you or forsake you. Jesus will not let you perish. You can trust the risen Jesus with your eternal destiny and life on earth.

You are not alone.

While no one can take your blood tests, imaging, biopsies, infusions, medications, radiation and chemotherapy for you, no one can take the Lord from your side. You do not go through cancer treatments by yourself. The Lord is near!

Note: There will be 17 short, devotion-style episodes in this series, and we hope to release one each week!
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Cancer is Not Your Shepherd - Mike Abendroth
  • Introduction - Cancer Is Not Your Shepherd

    Episode 1

    "You have cancer." These are frightening and common words that many of us or our loved ones might hear. But how should Christians respond?

    This new teaching series reminds us that while cancer can lead and destroy, it is not in charge. Jesus is our Good and Great Shepherd. He loves us, cares for...

  • You Have Cancer - E.1 - Cancer Is Not Your Shepherd

    Episode 2

    Are you a Christian with cancer? Your identity is in Christ, not your diagnosis. Join pastor Mike as he reminds us of the truth of the believer’s union with Christ.

  • Hebrews & Cancer - E.2 - Cancer Is Not Your Shepherd

    Cancer (or any sickness or trial) reveals the need for help and assistance. Where does the hurting Christian go for sympathy, grace, and mercy? The Book of Hebrews is the answer because it reveals the perfect High Priest, Jesus Christ.

  • Invisible Realities - E.3 - Cancer Is Not Your Shepherd

    Episode 3

    So much of having cancer is visible and tangible: blood test results, scan outcomes, diagnostic conclusions. But as Christians, we know there are invisible realities at work. These come from the hand of a good God who is literally—although in an unseen fashion—working good in every Christian with...

  • The Desperate Cry of a Hurting Christian - E.4 - Cancer Is Not Your Shepherd

    Episode 4

    How do you know you are a Christian? Did you know that calling out to God the Father when you are really hurting and no one else can help is a sign of your true faith? Paul teaches this very truth in Romans 8:14–17. When you cry out to the Father, you are realizing that He can help you and that H...

  • God is Sovereign Over Your Cancer - E.5 - Cancer Is Not Your Shepherd

    Episode 5

    God is sovereign over cancer? Yes, it is a theological truth that is biblical and undeniable, but it is a difficult doctrine to internally process. Especially after hearing the words: “You have cancer” or “your loved one has cancer.” One of the things that would be worse than having cancer? if Go...

  • How Can I Be a Christian If I Sin So Much? - E.6 - Cancer Is Not Your Shepherd

    Episode 7

    Christians sin—it's a sad reality. Even believers facing severe trials, such as cancer, may not always respond to the Lord as they should. The proper response is to repent, forsake sin, keeping their eyes on the Risen Savior. Assurance is found in Christ.

  • What To Say? - E.7 - Cancer Is Not Your Shepherd

    Episode 7

    What do you say to people who are going through extreme trials? Should you quote the Bible? Should you be quiet? What is the best way to love them? In addition, if you are the one in the trial, what do you do if people say “less than helpful” things?

  • Redeeming Blood Tests - E.8 - Cancer Is Not Your Shepherd

    Episode 8

    Every cancer patient knows this is simply part of the unchanging routine. It is part of the regimen. “Is there any way to redeem this whole process in the lab?” When you get your blood drawn, remind yourself of the Creator. The details of blood show how intricately God made us. So, the next time ...