Faith Alone - Chris Rosebrough
The Five Solas of the Reformation - Chris Rosebrough
1h 33m
What is faith? How do we come to have saving faith in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of our sins? In this astounding lecture, Pastor Chris Rosebrough exegetes his way through the entire book of Galatians. The Gospel is made crystal clear as Pastor Chris makes the case for Sola Fide straight from the pages of Scripture.
Up Next in The Five Solas of the Reformation - Chris Rosebrough
Grace Alone - Chris Rosebrough
Salvation in Christ is truly a free gift with no strings attached. In this lecture, Pastor Chris Rosebrough takes an in depth look at the doctrine of Sola Gratia as it is taught clearly in God’s Word.
To the Glory of God Alone - Chris Ros...
All of Scripture is written by God to the glory of God alone. In this sermon, Pastor Chris Rosebrough tells the story of Joseph in a way many have never heard. The events of Joseph’s life were providentially arranged by God to foreshadow a much greater story…the redemption of sinners through the ...
Jesus Alone - Chris Rosebrough
Most professing Christians agree that Christ’s Person and Work on the cross were sufficient to save sinners, but the growing trend today in our relativistic world is to leave the door open for other saviors from other faiths. Is Christ truly alone in His power to save mankind, or does God accept ...