Confronting Injustice Without Compromising Truth - Thaddeus J. Williams
God does not suggest, he commands that we do justice.
Social justice is not optional for the Christian. All injustice affects others, so talking about justice that
isn't social is like talking about water that isn't wet or a square with no right angles. But the Bible's call to
seek justice is not a call to superficial, knee-jerk activism. We are not merely commanded to execute
justice, but to “truly execute justice.” The God who commands us to seek justice is the same God who
commands us to “test everything” and “hold fast to what is good.”
Drawing from a diverse range of theologians, sociologists, artists, and activists, Thaddeus Williams builds
a case that we must be discerning if we are to “truly execute justice” as Scripture commands. Not
everything called “social justice” today is compatible with a biblical vision of a better world. The Bible
offers hopeful and distinctive answers to deep questions of worship, community, salvation, and
knowledge that ought to mark a uniquely Christian pursuit of justice.
In the Confronting Injustice without Compromising Truth Video Study, Williams confronts our religious
and political tribalism and challenges readers to discover what the Bible and the example of Jesus have
to teach us about justice. He presents a compelling vision of justice for all God's image-bearers that
offers hopeful answers to life's biggest questions.
Author Bio:
Thaddeus J. Williams (PhD, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam) is associate professor of systematic theology for the Talbot School of Theology at Biola University. He has also taught philosophy and literature at Saddleback College, jurisprudence at Trinity Law School, and as a lecturer in worldview studies at L’Abri Fellowship in Switzerland and Holland, and ethics for the Blackstone Legal Fellowship and the Federalist Society in Washington, DC.
Introduction - Confronting Injustice Without Compromising Truth
Introduction to the series.
What is Social Justice? - E.1 - Confronting Injustice Without Compromising Truth
What is Social Justice?
The God Question - E.2 - Confronting Injustice Without Compromising Truth
Does our vision of social justice take seriously the godhood of God?
The Imago Question - E.3 - Confronting Injustice Without Compromising Truth
Does our vision of social justice acknowledge the image of God in everyone, regardless of size, shade, sex, or status?
The Idolatry Question - E.4 - Confronting Injustice Without Compromising Truth
Does our vision of social justice make a false god out of the self, the state, or social acceptance?
The Collective Question - E.5 - Confronting Injustice Without Compromising Truth
Does our vision of social justice take any group-identity more seriously than our identities "in Adam" and "in Christ'?
The Splintering Question -E.6 -Confronting Injustice Without Compromising Truth
Does our vision of social justice embrace divisive propaganda?
The Fruit Question - E.7 - Confronting Injustice Without Compromising Truth
Does our vision of social justice replace love, peace, and patience with suspicion, division, and rage?
The Disparity Question - E.8 - Confronting Injustice Without Compromising Truth
Does our vision of social justice prefer damning stories to undamning facts?
The Color Question - E.9 - Confronting Injustice Without Compromising Truth
Does our vision of social justice promote racial strife?
The Gospel Question - E.10 - Confronting Injustice Without Compromising Truth
Does our vison of social justice distort the best news in history?
The Tunnel Vision Question - E.11 - Confronting Injustice w/o Compromising Truth
Does our vision of social justice make one way of seeing something the only way of seeing everything?
The Suffering Question - E.12 - Confronting Injustice Without Compromising Truth
Does our vision of social justice turn the "lived experience" of hurting people into more pain?
The Standpoint Question - E.13 -Confronting Injustice Without Compromising Truth
Does of vision of social justice turn the quest for truth into an identity game?
Conclusion - E.14 - Confronting Injustice Without Compromising Truth
12 Differences Between Social Justice A and B
Bonus 1: Real People, Real Stories
Real People, Real Stories
Bonus 2: Advice for Churches Pursuing Social Justice
Advice for Churches Pursuing Social Justice