Defend & Confirm Podcast - Russell Berger & Sean DeMars

Defend & Confirm Podcast - Russell Berger & Sean DeMars

Theology. Apologetics. Dad jokes. Pastoral wisdom. Ecclesiology. Not necessarily in that order.

Defend & Confirm Podcast - Russell Berger & Sean DeMars
  • The Roots of Prosperity Theology (Part 3) - Defend and Confirm Podcast

    How did Pentecostalism, Methodism, the Gilded Age, and Scientific advancement combine to create the roots of the prosperity gospel? In this episode, we finish our overview of the history of the Word of Faith movement and get ready to present the biblical argument against this theology.

    In this s...

  • Prosperity in the Atonement - Defend and Confirm Podcast

    Is health provided for in the atonement? In this latest episode, Russell and Katherine tackle this question as they examine the predominant passages Word of Faith preachers use to argue that physical healing is promised for all believers in this life. Be sure to give this one a listen and share.

  • Dissecting the Pro-Choice Argument - Defend and Confirm Podcast

    Pun intended. Today we review our experiences at the "My Body My Choice" rally, talk about the changes that have occurred in the pro-choice rhetoric over the last few years, and outline an apologetic strategy for engaging with the other side.

  • Christians and Social Media - Defend and Confirm Podcast

    We’re back! After a year-long hiatus, we came back together to discuss Christians and social media. We dig into cognitive bias, disunity in the church, and other spiritual dangers that Facebook, Twitter, and similar platforms present. We also offer some simple suggestions for Christians strugglin...

  • Our Kingdom, or God’s? - Defend and Confirm Podcast

    What does it look like when a pastor builds his own kingdom? In this episode we talk about the dangers of self-branding and self-promotion in ministry.

    This episode's "book you should read" is C.J. Mahaney's Humility (

    Also, if you ha...

  • Introduction to Critical Theory - Defend and Confirm Podcast

    What is Critical Theory? Why would we talk about it? Are we even qualified to talk about it? This is the first episode in our series on Critical Theory, and here we lay some important ground work for future episodes. Is this the most exciting and controversial stuff on the internet dealing with C...

  • The History of Church Planting Movements (Part 2) - Defend and Confirm Podcast

    What do Andy Stanley, Rick Warren, and Church Planting Movements have in common? While the "attractional" model of ministry might seem like the polar opposite of Church Planting Movements, a close look at their history tells a very different story. In this episode, we trace the theological roots...

  • The History of Church Planting Movements (Part 1) - Defend and Confirm Podcast

    Russell and Sean explore the historical roots of Church Planting Movements.

  • Shepherding Large Congregations (Q&A) - Defend and Confirm Podcast

    Sean and Russell answer a viewer question: 'Can pastors of large congregations faithfully shepherd their flocks?'

  • What are Church Planting Movements? - Defend and Confirm Podcast

    The first episode in our series on Multiplying Movements. Commonly known as Church Planting Movements or Disciple Making Movements, these missiological paradigms have become the standard in evangelical missions. But are they wise? In this episode, we define these strategies, and do our best to sa...

  • What is Christian Nationalism? - Defend and Confirm Podcast

    What is Christian Nationalism? Is it synonymous with Patriotism, or something more nefarious? Let Sean and Russell walk you through this hazy concept and its implications for the church.

  • Can Christians vote Democrat? - Defend and Confirm Podcast

    How should we think about professing Christians who vote for a Democrat? What political views, if any, are grounds for excommunication? In this episode, we talk about the moral complexity of voting in a representative form of government, and offer advice on how Christians can pursue unity in the ...

  • Is Professional Music Ministry Biblical? - Defend and Confirm Podcast

    Why do we sing as Christians? Does God care if we sing? Better yet, does He care how we sing? In this episode, we critique how some evangelical churches approach their music-making ministry, and offer some practical advice for how those Christians can more faithfully serve the Lord with the instr...

  • Am I Really a Christian? - Defend and Confirm Podcast

    In this episode, we are joined by our good friend Mike McKinley to discuss his book Am I Really A Chrisitan? The bible makes it clear that there is a category of person who believes himself to be a Christian, but will someday hear from Christ "I never knew you." That's a frightening thing to cons...