Heresy Hunters - The Bane of Wolves and The Weak - Famine in the Land
Wolves in sheep’s clothing hate their sheepskins getting ripped off—which is why they hate heresy hunters. Are heresy hunters necessary? Why are they called “heresy hunters” in the first place? Shouldn't we strive for unity in the church and let God sort out any bad teachers?
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Whose Voice Are You Listening To? - Theocast
As human beings, we constantly hear many voices, whether we realize it or not. A key question to ask ourselves is: Whose voice am I listening to? Is it the voice of Satan, who accuses and deceives? The voice of my flesh or the world? Or the voice of my Savior, who speaks truth and life? The voice...
Mark, Avoid, and Pray for False Teachers! - Lovesick Scribe
Scripture definitively and clearly instructs us in the ways of false teachers, and it helps us to understand the importance of exposing false teaching and the dangers of it for those who would listen to them. In our day and time, there are leaders within the NAR that are taking strides to remove ...
This False Doctrine Is KILLING Reformed Christian Churches! - Theocast
The reformed Christian church is beginning to smell a lot like Rome. Let us not forget whose righteousness we have, remembering that we have been given the righteousness of Another—Jesus Christ.
Jon and Justin discuss a false doctrine that the church has battled throughout its history and call f...
Gospel Shrewdness and Discernment Ministries - Theocast
Today's conversation is one that Jon and Justin wanted to have as they look at the broader Christian landscape. Even within their own churches, it seems that many Christians operate out of fear and are overly concerned with certain theological directions. This fear may prevent us from partnering ...
5 Ways False Teachers Will Ensnare You! - Long For Truth
False teachers are crafty! They are trained in GREED! In this episode, I'm joined by my good friend Rick Becker of Famine in the Land to discuss 5 ways that false teachers ensnare people.
Support Rick's channel here: @famineintheland6967
Original Video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kfTH-... -
Don't Be Deceived - Famine In The Land
1. What are the sources, and what should our strategy be against each particular source? (The most dangerous source, and in fact the one we have to watch out for daily may surprise you).
2. What are the signs of deception, and how can we recognize if we or someone else is being deceived?
3. And ... -
How to Disagree as Christians - Theocast
We live in a time where we’re prone to throw mud, be condescending, self-righteous, and accusatory, and we often misrepresent those with whom we disagree. This behavior doesn’t seem to align with what Scripture teaches about being gentle, kind, patient, and avoiding arguments. So, today, Jon and ...
12 Fallacies in Defense of False Teachers - Famine in the Land
When we warn others about false teachers, they usually have the same defensive and flawed arguments. They will accuse you of being judgemental, sowing division, and warn you not to "touch God's anointed." In this episode we'll examine these flawed arguments.
To read FITL articles or donate to FI...
Heresy Hunters Or Just Good Bereans? - Steve Kozar & David Lovi
Steve Kozar of "The Messed Up Church" and David Lovi, creator of the "Cessationist" movie, team up to discuss their motivations for their work in discernment and the backstories of what brought them to this kind of ministry. They address many common misunderstandings about discernment and advocat...
How to Read & Interpret the Bible - E.37 - The Humble Skeptic Podcast
On this episode of The Humble Skeptic podcast, Shane talks with Mike Brown, one of the authors of Sacred Bond: Covenant Theology Explored, about common errors to avoid when reading and interpreting Scripture. They also discuss a variety of interpretive tools that will make your study of the Bible...
Recognizing False Teachers - The Word Unleashed
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The apostle John requires that believers apply certain biblical tests in order to distinguish between true and false teachers. In 1 John 4:1–6, he provides two crucial details about false teachers that will help God’s people identify and expose them: 1) The Continual Danger of False Teachers 2) T...
A Study in Jude: Contend for the Faith - Alistair Begg
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The New Testament letter of Jude, written by one of Jesus’ half brothers, addresses a matter of timeless urgency: the confusion and chaos that inevitably result amongst God’s people when convictions regarding biblical truth collapse. In every generation, it is vital to recognize the threat such d...
The Letter of Jude - Alistair Begg
The book of Jude is a brief letter written by one of Jesus’ half brothers to urge the early church to keep the faith and to warn them about false teachers. But before broaching those subjects, Jude begins by establishing several truths that are vital for God’s people everywhere to understand. Ali...
The New Apostolic Reformation: A Counterfeit Kingdom - Steve Kozar, Holly Pivec
Holly Pivec and Doug Geivett have written a new book examining the practices of the New Apostolic Reformation movement and how Christianity is affected. Holly joins Steve Kozar to discuss her career in research and the damage the NAR has done to the faith of Christians across the globe.
Is Joel Osteen a False Teacher or Just Not Recommended? - Justin Peters
Many false teachers have orthodox doctrinal statements on their websites that they do not teach from the podium. Justin Peters examines the teachings of Joel Osteen to determine which category he belongs to: False teacher or Christian in error.
Is Everyone Else Now a Heretic? - E.10 - Steve and Paulette's Place
In this practically-focused episode, the Kozars give some thoughts on how to think about all of the different denominations out there. Yes, we should have very carefully considered theological standards for ourselves, but we shouldn’t count on everyone else having those same standards. As much as...
It Matters What You Believe (Pt. 6) - The Word Unleashed
In this sermon Tom Pennington explains that Christians are able to recognize false teaching by understanding the Word of God and the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
The Reality of False Teachers - Don Green
The way is hard and the gate is narrow that leads to life. Christ tells us that few will find it. This makes it really important to know that the teachers we sit under are leading us along the right path. The danger of false teaching is an ever increasing reality in this present age. The first st...
The False Prophets of Jeremiah's Day - Chris Rosebrough
Jeremiah was sent by God to pronounce judgment upon Judah and to offer a way of escape for those who would listen. But at every step, Jeremiah found himself at odds with the popular false prophets who promised peace and prosperity for Jerusalem. It's easy to see why they were popular. In the same...
What is a False Christ? - Chris Rosebrough
A false Christ isn't simply one who claims to be the one and only Saviour of the world, but can also be one who comes claiming for themself a special anointing from God and a corresponding authority to speak and act on God's behalf. Christ means "anointed one" and the visible church is full of pe...
I Found it Necessary - Alistair Begg
Alistair Begg kicks off the 2013 Basics Conference from the small, but powerful book of Jude. Countering conventional notions that the book of Jude is primarily a book for contentious preaching, Alistair takes us into the heart and mind of the brother of Jesus, Jude who gives not a letter of cond...
Check Your Heart - Defend and Confirm Podcast
In this episode, we talk about love. Our defense of the gospel should be grounded in a love for the lost, but too often our speech becomes prideful, quarrelsome, and unloving. Sean walks us through scripture on this subject, and we talk about the healthy skepticism we should all have of our own h...
What is a True Pharisee? - Freedom: Episode 2 - Costi Hinn
If you have been saved by God, you will share truth and expose error. But false teachers will attempt to silence you, labeling you a “Pharisee.” In this episode, Costi uses scripture to reveal the marks of a true Pharisee, and encourages those who are passionate about God’s truth to press onward.