It Matters What You Believe (Pt. 6) - The Word Unleashed
In this sermon Tom Pennington explains that Christians are able to recognize false teaching by understanding the Word of God and the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
Up Next in Discernment
The Reality of False Teachers - Don G...
The way is hard and the gate is narrow that leads to life. Christ tells us that few will find it. This makes it really important to know that the teachers we sit under are leading us along the right path. The danger of false teaching is an ever increasing reality in this present age. The first st...
The False Prophets of Jeremiah's Day ...
Jeremiah was sent by God to pronounce judgment upon Judah and to offer a way of escape for those who would listen. But at every step, Jeremiah found himself at odds with the popular false prophets who promised peace and prosperity for Jerusalem. It's easy to see why they were popular. In the same...
What is a False Christ? - Chris Roseb...
A false Christ isn't simply one who claims to be the one and only Saviour of the world, but can also be one who comes claiming for themself a special anointing from God and a corresponding authority to speak and act on God's behalf. Christ means "anointed one" and the visible church is full of pe...