Heresy Hunters - The Bane of Wolves and The Weak - Famine in the Land
Wolves in sheep’s clothing hate their sheepskins getting ripped off—which is why they hate heresy hunters. Are heresy hunters necessary? Why are they called “heresy hunters” in the first place? Shouldn't we strive for unity in the church and let God sort out any bad teachers?
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The Striking Similarities Between Psychics and Modern Prophets - Long for Truth
Are modern-day prophets really hearing from God, or are they just using psychic tricks dressed up in Christian language? In this video, we’ll expose the shocking truth about how many so-called “prophets” use the same techniques as psychics, fortune tellers, and mentalists—like cold reading, warm ...
Prophetic Word for 2025 - Famine in the Land
Numerous contemporary prophets have shared their prophetic messages for 2025. Reject all of them! In this episode, I will direct you to a reliable prophetic word—one you can trust completely because it’s without error!
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMIr7fEZyWo&t=1540s -
They Are Covering Up For Shawn - Faith Reframed
Jesse explains how his recent Shawn Bolz critique videos have received copyright strikes.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kxELBwbp1M -
Shawn Bolz & Kris Vallotton - (Breaking it Down) - Jesse Westwood
Jesse's Shawn Bolz controversy response.
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Mark, Avoid, and Pray for False Teachers! - Lovesick Scribe
Scripture definitively and clearly instructs us in the ways of false teachers, and it helps us to understand the importance of exposing false teaching and the dangers of it for those who would listen to them. In our day and time, there are leaders within the NAR that are taking strides to remove ...
Prophetic Word For 2025 - Famine In The Land
Numerous contemporary prophets have shared their prophetic messages for 2025. Reject all of them! In this episode, I will direct you to a reliable prophetic word—one you can trust completely because it’s without error!
Original Video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMIr7fEZyWo -
Is Rick Joyner's Prophetic Revelation Reliable? - Lovesick Scribe
The Final Quest by Rick Joyner is a popular book among those in the Charismatic, as well as the New Apostolic Reformation. Joyner appeals to personal revelations that he received through dreams and trances, claiming that he was given insight into the last days and the battle to take place.
Jenny Weaver-Is This a Word from the Lord? - Lovesick Scribe
Jenny Weaver, founder of the Core Group, recently released a prophetic word for 2024.
A Pirate and a Former False Prophet Have a Discussion! - The Lovesick Scribe
Within areas of the Charismatic movement, there is a reluctance to call an individual a false prophet, even when evidence is provided to confirm this very thing. There are additional categories for prophets created within the prophetic movement, arguably convoluting the ability to call one a fals...
Psychics vs. Biblical Prophets - E.8 - New Age to New Heart
What is the difference between new age psychics and Biblical prophets? Doreen Virtue, Jenn Nizza, and Jac Marino Chen discuss mediumship versus Biblical prophecy and how to be equipped to spot the false prophets that Jesus said would arise.
Why You Should Trust ...
Was this Biblical Repentance or Rebranding? - The Lovesick Scribe Podcast
Numerous self-professing prophets declared to know the results of the 2020 election before it occurred. However, not one of them prophesied accurately, resulting in much confusion and a massive blemish on the prophetic movement. A few of these individuals made public statements concerning their e...
Roundtable: Peters & Osman vs. Brown & Storms
3 seasons
Every book in the New Testament, with the exception of Philemon, contains warnings about false teachings. Wolves in sheep's clothing pose a real threat to believers, and Scripture teaches us to mark and avoid them (Romans 16:17-18). However, there is substantial disagreement within the church reg...
Proof Mike Bickle was Always a False Prophet - Chris Rosebrough
As more testimonies come out about Mike Bickle's predatory and manipulative behavior, Pastor Chris reminds us that Bickle has always been a verifiable false prophet and should have never been allowed to have a ministry platform.
Original Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sngeKKEzU_0
"Christian Psychics" Shawn Bolz and Chris Reed - Steve Kozar
Shawn Bolz and Chris Reed are well known in some Charismatic circles as anointed prophets who get words of knowledge from God. But the messages they receive from Heaven are conveniently available on social media. Steve Kozar shows how these counterfeit prophets are scamming Christians around the ...
Using Numerology to Prophesy?! - Chris Rosebrough and Doreen Virtue
Former new ager, Doreen Virtue joins Pastor Chris to discuss the alarming trend of Charismatic leaders using numerology in their prophetic words and visions. Doreen explains the pagan roots of the practice and urges believers to resist those who are trying to smuggle it into the Church.
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Montanism, Crisis of Revival? (Part 1) - Digging Deeper
Many contemporary Pentecostal and Charismatic scholars believe that Montanism was the first charismatic revival. But is this really the case? Did the Montanists possess the genuine gift of prophecy? Or were they inspired by ancient near eastern paganism, such as the cult of Cybele? This episode ...
The Biblical Tests of Prophets and Prophecy - Chris Rosebrough
It’s a very serious thing to claim to speak on behalf of God. The Old and New Testament Scriptures are not soft on those who put false words in God’s mouth and misrepresent Him. The Bible gives us clear standards and tests for us to apply to those claiming to be prophetic in the modern Church. In...
A False Prophet Wades into Deeply Shallow Waters - The Lovesick Scribe Podcast
Prophecy and those claiming to prophesy are subject to testing and to judgment. No one is immune to this scrutiny, including yours truly. Several years ago, I wrote a blog post that was shared on other popular Charismatic media outlets. This post centered around Ezekiel 47 and private vague revel...
Proof That William Branham Was a False Prophet - Long for Truth
William Branham is admired by Charismatic and Pentecostal leaders as a true prophet of God. Certain sects within "The Message" cult even worship images of Branham. In this episode, former "Message" member John Collins explains how and why William Branham's prophecies have failed.
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The False Prophets of the New Apostolic Reformation - Long for Truth
The prophets of the NAR movement present us with a very serious problem. They claim to speak on behalf of God. If God has indeed sent them, we are then required to believe and obey their words and write them down as God breathed revelation. If they are not sent by God, then we are commanded to re...
The False Prophets of Jeremiah's Day - Chris Rosebrough
Jeremiah was sent by God to pronounce judgment upon Judah and to offer a way of escape for those who would listen. But at every step, Jeremiah found himself at odds with the popular false prophets who promised peace and prosperity for Jerusalem. It's easy to see why they were popular. In the same...
2020: The Mount Carmel Moment of the Charismatic Movement - Chris Rosebrough
Pastor Rosebrough teaches on the events at Mount Carmel from 1 Kings 18, drawing parallels between the folly of the prophets of Baal and the false prophets of today. The events of 2020 have been used by God to expose the corruption and lies of self appointed prophets. Though God may tolerate thos...