Famine in the Land - Rick Becker
The prosperity gospel, word of faith heresy and the teachings of the New Apostolic Reformation have led to a spiritual “famine in the land.” We examine popular teachers and teachings in the visible church and compare them to the word of God. Our intention is to promote sound doctrine and discern truth from error.
Intimacy with God: Fallacies vs. Biblical Facts - Famine in the Land
The concept of intimacy with God is a topic that resonates deeply with believers. In this episode, we will explore some common misconceptions about intimacy with God, followed by an examination of the biblical truths surrounding this important subject.
Original video:
https://www.youtube.com/wat... -
Heresy Hunters - The Bane of Wolves and The Weak - Famine in the Land
Wolves in sheep’s clothing hate their sheepskins getting ripped off—which is why they hate heresy hunters. Are heresy hunters necessary? Why are they called “heresy hunters” in the first place? Shouldn't we strive for unity in the church and let God sort out any bad teachers?
Original video:
htt... -
Prophetic Word for 2025 - Famine in the Land
Numerous contemporary prophets have shared their prophetic messages for 2025. Reject all of them! In this episode, I will direct you to a reliable prophetic word—one you can trust completely because it’s without error!
Original video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMIr7fEZyWo&t=1540s -
Does God Want You to Be Happy? - Famine in the Land
Does God want us to be constantly happy? Must we wear a permanent grin like the Cheshire cat to serve as a good testimony? What is the source of true happiness? Is it possible to experience happiness and sadness simultaneously? How does hope influence our happiness? In this episode, we will explo...
Mystics in Sheep's Clothing - Famine In The Land
There is barely any distinction between the medium, channeler, or New Age guru and the "Christian" mystic. Mysticism is prevalent within the visible church, especially in the New Apostolic Reformation. In this enlightening episode, we delve into this concerning practice and reveal its links to va...
Prophetic Word For 2025 - Famine In The Land
Numerous contemporary prophets have shared their prophetic messages for 2025. Reject all of them! In this episode, I will direct you to a reliable prophetic word—one you can trust completely because it’s without error!
Original Video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMIr7fEZyWo -
Bethel Church – Mystical Beliefs and Vain Imaginations - Famine In The Land
Bill Johnson and Kris Vallotton are well-known figures from Bethel Church, but there are additional leaders within the organization who promote mystical beliefs and vain imaginations that lead many into deception. In this episode, we highlight additional leaders at Bethel who entice followers int...
Bill Johnson's False Teaching on Tithing - Famine In The Land
Bill Johnson - "How many of you have been praying for open heavens? Sometimes money opens the window." It’s no surprise that Bill Johnson manipulates his followers to tithe. Like other tithing twisters, Johnson takes scriptures out of context claiming that tithers are magically shielded from the ...
Derek Prince's Damaging Doctrines - Famine In The Land
In this episode we'll examine three of Derek Prince's damaging teachings - casting spirits out of believers, breaking curses over believers, and binding the "strongman."
Original Video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wlWWiAMwpsk&ab_channel=FamineInTheLand -
A False Prophet Interviews a False Apostle - Famine In The Land
Kris Vallotton (Bethel's false prophet) recently interviewed false apostle Kathryn Krick. This episode is a review of the interview.
Original video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8oqjRE1y6w -
Mastered By Mammon: Terri Savelle Foy - Famine In The Land
A brief look at some of Terri Savelle Foy's teachings.
Original Video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yA9wahDpQwM -
Don't Be Deceived - Famine In The Land
1. What are the sources, and what should our strategy be against each particular source? (The most dangerous source, and in fact the one we have to watch out for daily may surprise you).
2. What are the signs of deception, and how can we recognize if we or someone else is being deceived?
3. And ... -
12 Fallacies in Defense of False Teachers - Famine in the Land
When we warn others about false teachers, they usually have the same defensive and flawed arguments. They will accuse you of being judgemental, sowing division, and warn you not to "touch God's anointed." In this episode we'll examine these flawed arguments.
To read FITL articles or donate to FI...
Review of a Crazy Service at Bethel - Famine In The Land
Bethel church hosts a different spirit (2 Cor 11:4). Deception is rife at Bethel church - mysticism, unbiblical practices, and false teachings flourish under the leadership of a false apostle, false prophets, and BSSM "revivalists." This service is but one example of why Bethel must be marked and...
Uncovering the Bevere's False Teachings - Famine in The Land
The Beveres need to be marked and avoided because of their numerous false teachings, such as word of faith theology, the prosperity gospel, dominion theology, toxic submission teaching, and other teachings that lead people astray.
Itching Ears - Spirit & Fire (Clip)
There's a man-centered “gospel” that says that Jesus died because you were so valuable. He saw the "gold" underneath your sin and was motivated by your worth or value to save you. Another way that this is said is, "The cross isn't a revelation of your sin, but a revealing of your value." Some eve...
I Realized I Had Been Deceived When... - Famine In The Land
Two years ago I asked this question on our Facebook page:
If you have come out of the New Apostolic Reformation, Word of Faith, and the prosperity gospel movement - what was the first thing that made you question your belief in these teachings? Many folks responded, and in this episode, we'll loo... -
Recovering From the NAR | Back to the Bible - Famine In The Land
Going back to the Bible is essential when recovering from any form of deception. Deception involves the distortion of the scriptures, so we must know how to read the Bible in context. The scriptures are a sure foundation and a safeguard against error.
The Grip Of The Cult-Like New Apostolic Reformation - Famine In The Land
In this episode, I explore the similarities between the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) and cults. I'll give a few reasons why people are attracted to the NAR, and why so few escape the movement. Some who have had their eyes opened to this deception, linger far too long, so we'll look at their ex...