Fighting for the Faith - Chris Rosebrough
Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. (1 Timothy 6:12)
Helmed by our Captain, Pastor Chris Rosebrough, Fighting for the Faith is the program that has been dishing up your daily dose of Biblical discernment since 2008. The goal has always been to help you think biblically, help you think critically, and help you to slow down, stop, and open up your Bible and compare what people are saying in the Name of God to the Word of God.
Happy Lies: Interview with Melissa Dougherty - Fighting for the Faith
Chris Rosebrough interviews Melissa Dougherty, author of "Happy Lies: How a Movement You (Probably) Never Heard Of Shaped Our Self-Obsessed."
Go check out Melissa's Book HERE:
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The Benny Hinn Copycat Problem - Chris Rosebrough
In this interview with Costi Hinn, Chris and Costi look at the showmanship of David Diga Hernandez in his highly produced healing services. Hernandez was personally mentored by Benny Hinn and has copied his shtick in detail to deceive the masses. Lord willing, this video may help some to understa...
Former Kathryn Krick Church Member Speaks Out! - Chris Rosebrough
Pastor Chris continues to warn about the cult leader behavior of "Apostle" Kathryn Krick. This time, he shares the recent testimony of a young man who attended her gatherings for several years. He then takes the opportunity to look at Scripture's teaching on the topic of false teachers.
Copeland is Wrong: God Did NOT Create the Universe by Faith! - Chris Rosebrough
Believing that God created the universe by using His faith is a foundational doctrine to Word of Faith theology. Teachers like Kenneth Copeland encourage people to view faith as a force that can be wielded to create the life they desire. Scripture teaches nothing close to this as Pastor Chris Ros...
When Charismatic Teachers Get Christ & the Trinity Wrong - Long & Rosebrough
Daniel Long is joined by Pastor Chris Rosebrough to review and address some examples of serious Christological and Trinitarian errors being taught by popular Charismatic leaders. In doing so, Pastor Chris gives extremely helpful clarifications that are easy to understand.
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Kathryn Krick Receiving Worship - Chris Rosebrough
The true Apostles never allowed other Christians under their care to worship them, but false apostle Kathryn Krick loves to receive praise from her followers. Pastor Chris contrasts this concerning behavior with examples given to us in the New Testament.
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Proof Mike Bickle was Always a False Prophet - Chris Rosebrough
As more testimonies come out about Mike Bickle's predatory and manipulative behavior, Pastor Chris reminds us that Bickle has always been a verifiable false prophet and should have never been allowed to have a ministry platform.
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T.B. Joshua and His Influence on the Demon Slayers - Chris Rosebrough
Some of the guys who call themselves "demon slayers" have a lot of glowing words to say about Nigerian false prophet T.B. Joshua. Pastor Chris highlights a new documentary exposing the truth of how Joshua faked miracles to create his cult following. It appears many rising stars in the deliverance...
Rob Bell: Lessons Learned from His Apostasy - Chris Rosebrough
Once the darling of the Emergent Church movement, Rob Bell has entirely disappeared from the spotlight. Where did he go? What led to his apostasy and what lessons can we learn from observing his trajectory? Many young people are caught up in the trend of deconstructing their faith, a trend that R...
Testing Kathryn Krick's Prophetic Message for the Church - Chris Rosebrough
Kathryn Krick is an up and coming "apostle" in the NAR movement and she wants the entire body of Christ to know it. She recently delivered a "word of the LORD" claiming that we'd all better acknowledge her and her friends as the representatives of God. If older pastors don't pass the baton to you...
Cindy Jacobs Botches "For Such a Time as This" - Chris Rosebrough
The story of Esther is about the faithfulness and providence of God, not about your personal destiny for greatness like Cindy Jacobs would have you believe.
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Using Numerology to Prophesy?! - Chris Rosebrough and Doreen Virtue
Former new ager, Doreen Virtue joins Pastor Chris to discuss the alarming trend of Charismatic leaders using numerology in their prophetic words and visions. Doreen explains the pagan roots of the practice and urges believers to resist those who are trying to smuggle it into the Church.
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Open Theism and the NAR - Chris Rosebrough
Chris is joined by Dr. Bruce Ware and two of his students to discuss the a false doctrine of God called Open Theism and how the New Apostolic Reformation has developed its own version of Open Theism.
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Is Jesus Returning in 2030? - Chris Rosebrough
People have been playing a dangerous game for a very long time. This game is played by those who try to predict the second coming of Christ. Jesus was so clear in His warning that no one would know the day of His coming. Christians are to be ready at all times because He will come when He's least...
Debunking White Christian Nationalism (Part 2) - Chris Rosebough
Another false narrative used by White Nationalists is called “The Curse of Ham”. This false doctrine inserts a racial narrative into the story of Noah that isn’t there in order to justify segregation and slavery of people with dark skin. This twisted thinking has also been used to defend the prac...
Debunking White Christian Nationalism (Part 1) - Chris Rosebrough
Did you know that there are White Nationalists who believe themselves to be Biblical Christians? They twist Scripture to claim that segregation based on skin color is the will of God. They also believe that European ethnicity is the favored “race” in God’s eyes. In this episode of “Fighting for t...
Is the Asbury Revival a True Revival? - Chris Rosebrough
In February of 2023, continuous revival meetings at Asbury University Chapel went viral across social media. Revival seekers from across America and some from overseas came to see the excitement for themselves. Since then, many have been asking about the genuineness of the event. Pastor Chris Ros...
Do Christians Need Demons Cast Out of Them? - Chris Rosebrough
Are indwelling demons the reason behind all of our problems in the Christian life? Many in the Charismatic movement believe so. In this episode, Pastor Chris Rosebrough responds to a teaching by Isaiah Saldivar, a self professed “demon slayer.” Many people have been abused by this erroneous pract...
Apostles 101 - Chris Rosebrough
These days, there are multitudes of people claiming to be apostles. We need to know what authority they are claiming for themselves and whether or not their claim is true. Pastor Chris lays a Biblical foundation for the qualifications of an Apostle of Christ as well as explaining a distinction co...
The Biblical Tests of Prophets and Prophecy - Chris Rosebrough
It’s a very serious thing to claim to speak on behalf of God. The Old and New Testament Scriptures are not soft on those who put false words in God’s mouth and misrepresent Him. The Bible gives us clear standards and tests for us to apply to those claiming to be prophetic in the modern Church. In...
Counterfeit Kingdom - Chris Rosebrough
Click HERE to purchase this book:
Creed Conspiracy Theories - Chris Rosebrough
Andy Stanley is no fan of Early Church creeds. He seems to think that they get in the way of true Christianity. Chris Rosebrough debunks these false narratives in this educational episode of "Fighting for the Faith".
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Manifesting a False Holy Spirit - Chris Rosebrough
Pastor Chris examines a common Charismatic manifestation to teach what is and what is not genuine fruit of the Holy Spirit. God's Spirit does not cause the Christian to lose control and thrash around. On the contrary, such a manifestation is attributed to demonic activity in the New Testament. Th...
Hillsong Post-Mortem: What Went Wrong? - Chris Rosebrough
A recent documentary series has been shining a light on the deep rooted issues of the Hillsong megachurch empire. Evangelicals are beginning to distance themselves from Hillsong, but it shouldn't have taken this long. The theological problems that gave rise to the movement are still entrenched wi...