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Conversation with Costi Hinn on “Defining Deception” - Chris Rosebrough

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Fred Price has his “Mt. Carmel” Moment - Chris Rosebrough

Fighting for the Faith - Chris Rosebrough • 1h 28m

Up Next in Fighting for the Faith - Chris Rosebrough

  • Conversation with Costi Hinn on “Defi...

    Costi Hinn, nephew of Benny Hinn, grew up in the lavish world of prosperity preachers and worked alongside his uncle on several global crusade tours before God brought him to the knowledge of the truth. Chris Rosebrough interviews Costi about his journey out of the Word of Faith movement and abou...

  • Sorting out the Biblical Covenants - ...

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  • Will the Real Pharisee Please Stand U...

    No Christian wants to be called a Pharisee. Christ reserved his harshest rebukes for this group of people, but why exactly? And why are Christians concerned about truth and error so quickly labeled as such? Chris Rosebrough and Steven Kozar discuss these questions and offer solid biblical answers...