Long for Truth
Long for Truth exists to expose the wacky, crazy, and blasphemous things being said and done by much of the modern Evangelical Church.
The Baptism of the Holy Spirit Is NOT What You Think it Is! - Long for Truth
Many claim that without the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, a Christian is living a powerless life—and that speaking in tongues is the definitive proof of receiving this baptism. But is that really what Scripture teaches? Chris Rosebrough joins me as we take a deep dive into this important topic.
Escaping the “God Told Me” Trap: My Story and the Doctrine of Vocation
Daniel Long shares his testimony of the difficulties he brought on his family when he held to a twisted understanding of how to discern God’s will. He explains why the Biblical doctrine of Vocation is vital to walking in the will of God and having peace.
Original Video:
https://www.youtube.com/... -
The Striking Similarities Between Psychics and Modern Prophets - Long for Truth
Are modern-day prophets really hearing from God, or are they just using psychic tricks dressed up in Christian language? In this video, we’ll expose the shocking truth about how many so-called “prophets” use the same techniques as psychics, fortune tellers, and mentalists—like cold reading, warm ...
Why Aren't You Performing Miracles? - Long for Truth & Chris Rosebrough
Are miracles supposed to be a normal part of the Christian life? If you’re not casting out demons or walking on water, does that mean you’re missing out on something crucial in your faith? Daniel Long interviews Pastor Chris Rosebrough to dig into one of the most controversial beliefs in modern C...
Behind the Word of Faith Curtain with Daniel Chapman - Long For Truth
Many people have been spiritually damaged by deceptive Word of Faith teachings. In this episode we talk with Daniel Chapman who God graciously rescued from the WOF Movement.
Support Daniel's channel here: @danielcguyOriginal Video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOn7YKqg8b8 -
5 Ways False Teachers Will Ensnare You! - Long For Truth
False teachers are crafty! They are trained in GREED! In this episode, I'm joined by my good friend Rick Becker of Famine in the Land to discuss 5 ways that false teachers ensnare people.
Support Rick's channel here: @famineintheland6967
Original Video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kfTH-... -
My Guest Exposes Prosperity Pimps and Their Private Jets - Long For Truth
Should pastors use ministry donations to buy themselves airplanes? In this episode we talk with Trinity Foundation's staff investigator, Barry Bowen. Barry has been tracking the activity of preachers and their private jets for several years. This episode discusses how these supposed "men and wom...
NAR Boogeyman or Real Threat? - Long For Truth
Dr. Michael Brown has often sought to defend friends of his that teach NAR doctrines. Dan Long interviews Holly Pivec and Doug Givett to get some extra context and perspective on their roundtable discussion with Dr. Brown. They also respond in detail to some of Brown's most frequently used argume...
Rick Joyner's Lawsuit-Scandal-Mess - Long For Truth
Deeds done in darkness continue to come to light for high profile leaders in the NAR movement. The latest is the resignation of Chris Reed from his position as CEO and senior leader of Morningstar Ministries. Reed was “appointed and anointed” to be Rick Joyner’s successor. Reed is a self proclaim...
Beware of Jenny Weaver - Long For Truth
Daniel and Robin look into the phenomenon of Jenny Weaver's "Core Group". Thousands of women pay a monthly fee to receive Weaver's content along with group meet ups and online fellowship. Jenny is an apostle in the NAR and some tell her she has the mantle of Kathryn Kuhlman or Aimee Semple McPher...
Exposing Greg Locke - Long for Truth
Greg Locke is a key leader among Charismatics who are fixated on "Deliverance Ministry". Daniel Long looks at Greg's antics and associations that make it clear we need to mark and avoid him in the Church.
Original video:
https://youtu.be/UvTOGHfqBog?si=zfAWZ5Qe7ZrMbgI1 -
The Charismatic Hamster-Wheel of Chasing After Signs - Long for Truth
Charismatic pastors, teachers, and leaders are constantly telling their people to seek after signs, visions, dreams, tongues, and prophecy. Some even go so far to say that if you're not doing this, you may not even be a Christian.
Original video:
https://youtu.be/yDE6hwFtJ1M?si=EcdcDQYim2iOYK9e -
Stop Believing Their Lies About the Gospel! - Long for Truth
Daniel Long addresses a specific error about the Gospel being spread by highly influential Charismatics. They claim that you preach an incomplete Gospel if you aren't also performing signs and wonders. Not only is this an attack on the nature of the Gospel but these leaders simply cannot practice...
Cessationism Is Heresy? - Long for Truth
Are Cessationists heretics? Is Cessationism a doctrine of demons? Daniel and Robin discuss the slanderous misrepresentations of Cessationism in this first in a series on the topic.
Original video:
https://youtu.be/t8ej93BGB6Y?si=ntDgZr1Y7JplJF39 -
The Generational Curse Fallacy - Long for Truth
Are you having trouble getting married? Do you struggle with chronic illness? Are your finances constantly dwindling? Perhaps it's because you have a generational curse. Join us as we debunk, from the Scriptures, the fallacy of generational curses.
Original video:
https://youtu.be/LmthafjMHLA?s... -
When Charismatic Teachers Get Christ & the Trinity Wrong - Long & Rosebrough
Daniel Long is joined by Pastor Chris Rosebrough to review and address some examples of serious Christological and Trinitarian errors being taught by popular Charismatic leaders. In doing so, Pastor Chris gives extremely helpful clarifications that are easy to understand.
Original video:
https:... -
The Rise and Fall of a Faith Healing Showman - Long for Truth
A. A. Allen was known as "God's man of faith and power" in Pentecostal circles. But Allen was a scam artist and a showman. In this video, Daniel and Robin talk about his life and false teachings.
Original video:
https://youtu.be/6qTOnq3rkSc -
The Dangerous Legacy of Sarah Young: Jesus Calling - Long for Truth
On September 1, 2023, Sarah Young passed away. The legacy that she left behind was her controversial best-seller Jesus Calling and the empire resulting from that book. In this video, Daniel takes a look at why this book is so dangerous.
Original Video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JtV9gWXdFR... -
The Harmful Impact of Norman Vincent Peale - Long for Truth
Norman Vincent Peale was not a Christian but he sought to smuggle a theology of positive confession into Christianity. He redefined faith in a dangerous way and taught a form of universalism. His message appealed to those seeking worldly pleasure and spiritual enlightenment outside of Scripture. ...
Who Are the Real Modern Day Pharisees? - Long for Truth
Leaders in the New Apostolic Reformation and Word of Faith movements love to silence their critics by labeling them as hateful Pharisees. But when you take a closer look at the false teachings of the Pharisees, you'll find that they share more in common with the modern apostles and prophets of NA...
Beyond the Scriptures: Chasing After God's Voice -Daniel Long & Chris Rosebrough
Pastor Chris joins Daniel Long to discuss the trend of Christians seeking new revelation to feel close to God. The scriptures were given to us that we might learn about God and come to love and trust Him. We go to the Bible to hear God speak to us.
Original Video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v... -
Andrew Wommack Perverts the Gospel - Long for Truth
Word of Faith star, Andrew Wommack teaches a lot about money. His mockery of the Gospel is unreal yet millions believe such lies. Daniel and Robin offer a response to this attack on the Gospel.
Original Video:
https://youtu.be/jIyzvNog3Sw -
Help! I've Lost My Healing! - Long for Truth
Daniel and Robin expose the fake-ness of modern day faith healers as they compare the work of con artists with the true miracles of Scripture.
Original Video:
https://youtu.be/G5BYHca2xsg -
Trips to Heaven: A Lucrative Business - Long for Truth
For the past few decades, there’s been a large appetite among professing Christians for sensational stories about Heaven. These tourists of Heaven are frequently the guests of popular televangelists and they write best selling books about their tall tales. Don’t be deceived!