Long for Truth

Long for Truth exists to expose the wacky, crazy, and blasphemous things being said and done by much of the modern Evangelical Church.

  • The Great Prosperity Lie of the New Apostolic Reformation - Long for Truth

    The Word of Faith Movement and the New Apostolic Reformation are tied together in their teachings about prosperity. A good example of this is the false doctrine called "the great transfer of wealth." In this episode, Daniel and Robin show the ties, and compare this erroneous doctrine to the Word ...

  • The False Doctrine of Territorial Spirits - Long for Truth

    New Apostolic Reformation leaders often teach that territorial spirits reign over certain regions of the earth, keeping the Gospel from penetrating the hearts of the people living in that region. In this video, Daniel and Robin discuss the NAR doctrine of spiritual warfare and compare it with Scr...

  • Is the Five-Fold Ministry for Today? - Long for Truth

    New Apostolic Reformation leaders love to quote Ephesians 4:11-12 to claim that a ministry will not be all God wants it to be unless it has a team with all five ascension gifts of Christ, including apostles and prophets. So if you don't have an apostle and prophet in your church, does that mean y...

  • The 7 Mountain Mandate Delusion - Long for Truth

    Do the "seven mountains of influence" need to be conquered before Christ can return to set up His kingdom? In this video, Daniel and Robin discuss the unbiblical 7 Mountain Mandate teaching heard in NAR circles and compare it with Scripture.
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  • The False Prophets of the New Apostolic Reformation - Long for Truth

    The prophets of the NAR movement present us with a very serious problem. They claim to speak on behalf of God. If God has indeed sent them, we are then required to believe and obey their words and write them down as God breathed revelation. If they are not sent by God, then we are commanded to re...

  • The False Apostles of the New Apostolic Reformation - Long for Truth

    The "apostles" of the New Apostolic Reformation are false apostles. In this video, Daniel and Robin compare the definitions between what the leaders of the NAR call apostles and what the Bible says about apostles.
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  • The Religious Spirit of the New Apostolic Reformation - Long for Truth

    According to the NAR, the "Religious Spirit" is an actual demon that hates doctrine and tries to squelch out the "new wine" of the New Apostolic Reformation. In this video, Daniel and Robin look to the Scriptures to see if what the "apostles" of the NAR say about this so-called demon is Biblical....

  • An Overview of the New Apostolic Reformation - Long for Truth

    This begins a series of videos covering the New Apostolic Reformation movement. This overview introduces an enormous topic that has affected a lot of people. God has been shedding light on the errors of the NAR in recent years and many Christians are fleeing it. This information should be helpful...

  • Are You Doing Enough for God? - Long For Truth

    Daniel and Robin discuss the heavy burden that mainstream pastors and teachers put on people to do "big things for God". What is significant in the eyes of the Lord? Is this burden from God or from man?

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