Roundtable: Peters & Osman vs. Brown & Storms
Every book in the New Testament, with the exception of Philemon, contains warnings about false teachings. Wolves in sheep's clothing pose a real threat to believers, and Scripture teaches us to mark and avoid them (Romans 16:17-18). However, there is substantial disagreement within the church reg...
CALVINIST is the theology documentary of a lifetime. Featuring influential teachers R.C. Sproul, Paul Washer, Shai Linne, Kevin DeYoung, James White and many more.
When a generation finds the theology and practice of the modern church wanting, they turn to the internet for answers. an investigat...
American Gospel: Christ Crucified
When Christians say, “Jesus died on the cross for your sins,” what does that mean?
American Gospel: Christ Crucified explores the divide between conservative and progressive Christians as they debate the meaning of the cross of Jesus Christ, answering some of the Bible’s most difficult questions...
NAR: Myth or Movement? - AG Roundtable
Is the New Apostolic Reformation a real movement that promotes dangerous false teachings that have subjected countless people to spiritual abuse and manipulation? Or is the label "NAR" being used by critics to misrepresent the beliefs of faithful leaders?
Michael Brown, Holly Pivec, and Doug Gei...
American Gospel: Christ Alone
Is Christianity Christ + the American dream? American Gospel examines how the prosperity gospel (the Word of Faith movement) has distorted the gospel message, and how this theology is being exported abroad. This feature-length film is the first in a series.
Puritan: All of Life to the Glory of God
If you think the Puritans are defined by scarlet letters and witch burnings, you really don't know these physicians of the soul. Get to know the Puritans in this feature-length documentary that spans continents and centuries.
Puritan: All of Life to the Glory of God is part of a larger study on...
Spirit & Truth: A Film about Worship
When we think about worshipping God, we ask all the wrong questions. What do I like? Or what would non-Christians like? Or what does my Church like? Spirit & Truth seeks to answer the central question that we're so often missing: How does God want to be worshipped?
Introduction - E.1 - Steve and Paulette's Place
Welcome to Steve and Paulette’s Place!
When it comes to various church experiences, Steve and Paulette Kozar have done it all: youth group leaders, worship band, prophetic prayer team, and more. After seeing a parade of young people abandon their faith upon entering adulthood, including their ow...
Unpopular: The Movie
The message of Christianity is controversial. Christianity will always be unpopular.
When “Having a Dream” Gives You Nightmares - E.2 - Steve and Paulette’s Place
In this episode, Steve & Paulette discuss and expose the “Dream Destiny Thingy” in the Pop Evangelical world. They explain their own difficult experiences in multi-level marketing (Amway) which ushered them into the world of Charismania. After years of confusion, debt, and failed dreams, they fin...
Introduction - E.1 - God Doesn't Whisper - Jim Osman
An introduction to the subject of "hearing the voice of God." Does God speak to us outside Scripture? Should we expect regular personal direction by divine revelation? This episode introduces this subject, examines the teachers who promote this doctrine, and briefly explains the importance of get...
Ephesians 6 - E.8 - Spiritual Warfare: Truth or Territory? - Jim Osman
In this final episode, we look at an often misused and misunderstood passage of Scripture - Ephesians 6. The Armor of God section of Ephesians is often treated in isolation from its context and used as a list for mantra style prayers. We will see how the Armor of God section is a fitting conclusi...
Questions & Objections - E.8 - God Doesn't Whisper - Jim Osman
In this final episode, Jim will address some of the most common objections and questions raised by HVG proponents.
AG3: Spirit & Fire - Extended Preview
A significant theological movement has swept through the Church in recent decades. Millions of professing Christians worldwide believe God is restoring the lost offices of apostle and prophet to church government. They claim these restored apostles and prophets are needed to usher in a global end...
The Church: Pillar and Ground of the Truth
This feature-length documentary designed to help you learn about the true nature of the church and how it is intended to function. The more we understand this, the more we will love the church. The more we learn how the church aids our faith and brings glory to God, the more we will thank God for...
New Life, New Challenges - Freedom: Episode 1 - Costi Hinn
Costi Hinn introduces the Freedom series with three convictions to guide those who are recovering from Word of Faith or NAR teaching.
Establishing Scripture as the Supreme Authority - E.1 - Roman Catholicism
The Roman Catholic Church does not submit to the supreme authority of Scripture in matters of faith and practice. Yet, we must inform Catholics there is no higher authority than our almighty God and Creator, who reveals objective truth through His inspired, inerrant Word. Throughout Scripture we ...
Open Hearts in a Closed World: Day 1 - 7/12/21
Welcome to day one of the Open Hearts in a Closed World conference!
All this week worship will be led by CityALight, you can find more information about them here: https://www.cityalight.com
Brooke Bartz, founder of Open Hearts and author of Chronic Love, will be starting this week out with o...
Sanctification - E.1 - Sanctify - Mike Abendroth
What is sanctification? Who sanctifies? Can you sanctify yourself? Definitions are important and in Episode 1 we carefully lay out definitions, terms and why the doctrine of sanctification is crucial. You will rejoice knowing God is conforming you to the image of Jesus!
Through the Eyes of Spurgeon
The lives of millions of Christians around the world have been changed through the ministry of Charles Haddon Spurgeon. But how much do those of us who esteem him so highly really know about Charles Spurgeon, the man?
What were the events that shaped his life and made him the man who would be kn...
How Mystical Theology Leads to Bad Habits - E.9 - Steve & Paulette’s Place
Steve and Paulette’s Place Episode 9
In this episode, Steve and Paulette have a long and more casual conversation about a handful of related topics that were triggered by real-life events in their lives; both recent and going back to the early 1970s. The problems of mysticism and superficial spi...
AG3: Spirit & Fire - Trailer 1 (Short)
For all of our followers who are anticipating some AG3: Spirit & Fire news, here is an update!
For the past few months we have been working on a ten-minute extended trailer of AG3 (in addition to progressing with work on the final docuseries), to give you a preview of the content of this project...
Logic on Fire - The Life and Legacy of Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
When Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899—1981) gave a series of lectures on the subject of preaching in 1969, he coined a phrase that became an emblematic description of his own ministry: “What is preaching?” he asked. “Logic on fire!” But what exactly does it mean, and how does it manifest?
Logic on Fi... -
Itching Ears: Doreen Virtue's Testimony - Truth for Life
Doreen Virtue spent 22 years in the New Age as a best-selling author and teacher, until the Lord used a Truth for Life sermon to pierce her heart and lead her to saving faith.