Processing Family Grief - E.4 - Wretched TV
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Meet Tim Challies and hear his story of how the Lord has been working in his life through the death of his son. Tim and Todd pick back up on their conversation talking about the early days of the pandemic and how it played a role in it all.
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What Does Scripture Say About Speakin...
What Does Scripture Say About Speaking To Prodigal Children?
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True Beauty - E.7 - Wretched TV
Todd dives back into Twitter land and shares more pithy tweets from Darrell B. Harrison, Emeal Zwayne, Charles Spurgeon and more. He also speaks about how beauty in God's eyes is far more important than earthly beauty.
Biblical Worldview - Alistair Begg
With so much opposition to a biblical worldview surrounding us, how do we navigate the time in which we live with grace, kindness, mercy, and sensibility? In this message, Alistair Begg provides four words that frame our discussions about the Christian faith: the “good,” the “bad,” the “new,” and...