Dewey asks how God uses "ordinary" roles in life to help build His kingdom, Brandi asks about the qualifications for a Sunday school teacher, and Noah asks how to show Christ-like love without the acceptance of sin. Jeremiah asks if competitive games and considered sinful and how to win and lose graciously. Kristin asks if she should teach her kids about Santa.
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When Pastors Let Us Down - Core Chris...
Has your pastor ever let you down? Watch now as Pastor Adriel offers insight on this question and takes your LIVE calls. Call us at 833-843-2673
Open Hearts in a Closed World: Day 4 ...
Welcome to the fourth day of the Open Hearts in a Closed World conference!
All this week worship will be led by CityALight, you can find more information about them here:
Today we start with Penny Amack, her session is titled “God’s Mandates to Older Women.” You ca...
The Emergent Church & Postmodern Myst...
Some Christian teachers convey the idea that the kingdom of God is “within” each person. Based on that premise they justify that one can make an “inward journey” in order to meet God. Bob DeWaay will show what the Bible teaches: that God is not found by an inward journey, but rather through the G...
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