Putting Words in Jesus' Mouth - E.5 - Wretched TV
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Jack asks if it is a sin to let someone with a different religion pray for you. James asks if we will have free will in Heaven. Someone asks about the daily devotionals from Andy Griffith.
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Act Like Men - E.7 - Wretched TV
Todd reads a tweet from Kris about church being a place of worship. He reads a tweet from Erwin Lutzer about every generation being challenged to defend the gospel, and reads a cautionary tweet from Dan Phillips about sermons heard but not acted upon.
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When to Submit to Your Husband - E.5 ...
Noah asks if it's alright for men to dye their hair, or it's an issue of vanity. Jacob asks if there will be sex in heaven. Mr. S asks how we can know we're honoring God with our wealth.