The Gospel For Those Who Had An Abortion - E.6 - Wretched TV
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Todd and Scott Klusendorf continue their discussion of abortion, and focus on legislation, as well as how the Gospel gives hope to those who have sinned against God by having an abortion. His grace and love truly forgives and saves.
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Are Christian Marriages Always Suppos...
Are Christian Marriages Always Supposed to Be Exciting?
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Biblical Revival - E.7 - Wretched TV
Todd reads tweets from ACBC, Alan Shlemon, and Michelle Lesley. He discusses revival and how to go about talking to those we do not always agree with.
Christ Is Our Highpriest - P9 - Disho...
Dominionist spiritual warfare teachers claim that there is power in our words. One text that they misuse to support this claim is Hebrews 3:1. Francis Frangipane writes, "Christ, as the High Priest of our Confession (Heb. 3:1), takes our words, whether in faith or unbelief, and allocates back to...