Getting the Good News Right - E.10 - Road Trip to Truth - John Fabarez
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Many people think of Christianity as a system of rules and regulations, like the Ten Commandments. While the law did play an important part in revealing the character of God and pointing to the coming Messiah, the core truth of Christianity is the good news of the Gospel.
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Mystical Misinterpretation of Jesus’ ...
Matthew’s account of Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness makes a purposeful comparison of ancient Israel’s temptation in the wilderness where they failed. Enneagram mystics like to cite Jesus’ temptation to validate their program of silence, solitude and stillness. In their misuse of the passage ...
How to Feel Christ's Love? - Theocast
Here is the reality for Christians: the one we love the most is the one we’ve never seen. There are times we have a hard time comprehending what God is like. We have a hard time feeling his love for us. And so, God can feel distant from us. It is hard for us to feel safe approaching him. Jon and ...
Drifting from the Word - Session 8 - ...
It is not enough to simply affirm the Bible’s truthfulness. God intended for us to know Him and walk with Him. What does it look like when we drift from the authority of the Word and how do we return?