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Sacrificing “Nice” on the Altar of Truth - E.7 - Wretched TV

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Should Men Be Wild At Heart? - E.7 - Wretched TV

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  • Sacrificing “Nice” on the Altar of Tr...

    In today's Twitter Tuesday episode, Todd dissects tweets from Church Curmudgeon, Darrell Harrison, Erwin Lutzer, Jacob Trotter, Ben Shapiro, Brian Fairchild, The Daily Spurgeon, Alistair Begg, Nate Pickowicz, Dale Partridge, and Matt Walsh.

  • Driving While Worried - E.4 - Wretche...

    In this episode, Bill's fear of driving is addressed through biblical counseling, highlighting the importance of exploring underlying theological issues contributing to his anxiety. Dr. Greg Gifford explains that while surface fears are addressed, deeper heart issues and theological beliefs play ...

  • How Will They Believe Without Hearing...

    Preaching is necessary for salvation, as we see in this compilation of Todd's sermon at the Foundations Conference about Paul reasoning from the Scriptures, and several open-air interactions over the years where he argued about the necessity of preaching to save people. Todd explains how Paul wou...