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Open-Air Preaching 101 - E.3 - Wretched TV

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Not Getting Dragged Into the Weeds - E.8 - Wretched TV

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  • Open-Air Preaching 101 - E.3 - Wretch...

    Todd introduces us to his friend Josh Williamson, who recently did some open-air preaching and asked Todd to review it. How do you think he did?

  • What’s Your Interpretive Motif - E.7 ...

    Todd reads tweets from Brian Fairchild - America Needs Missionaries, Nate Pickowicz - Church Mission, Nathaniel Jolly - God's Image. Todd expounds upon the topic of central interpretive motif and asks what do you think about when you think about God? He asks how your life would change if your cen...

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    Remembering His Death Until He Comes

    We begin this episode with a discussion of the Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation and their false system of communion. At the Lord’s Supper we remember that “Jesus died for sins, once for all, the just for the unjust, in order to bring us to God.” We sho...