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The Meaning of Holiness - E.5 - The Holiness of God - R.C. Sproul

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Significance Of The Cross - E.8 - Wretched TV

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  • The Meaning of Holiness - E.5 - The H...

    What effect should the holiness of God have upon the life of the believer? Isaiah’s vision of God’s holiness had a profoundly humbling effect upon him. Does it do the same for us today? How can a greater understanding of the infinite holiness of God create in our hearts a deeper reverence toward ...

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    "Without Christ, without hope," this statement is one that we draw from the writer of Ecclesiastes' verse, "Vanity of vanity—all is vanity." In this portion of the series Dr. Sproul talks about the meaning behind this Old Testament verse, mainly—that if there is no God, then, of course, what we e...

  • The Bible and Apologetics (Part 2) - ...

    Do I trust my judgment and the corporate wisdom of psychologists and psychiatrists over the Bible as a source of ultimate truth? In part 2 of "The Bible and Apologetics", Dr. Sproul deals with the sacred Scriptures and the question of whether the content of this Book is omniscient, infallible, an...