Reject Forbidden Knowledge - Critical Issues Commentary
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One of the founders of the Enneagram system is Oscar Ichazo who claimed he had a 7 day visit from an angel and thereby received this teaching. Ichazo did his work in the mid 20th century. Questionable sources like Ichazo do not deter Richard Rohr and others from gladly using their material. Enneagram came from the occult and its promoters gladly say so. We discuss why the Bible forbids the occult and explain what occultism is about. Enneagram authors readily admit that their teachings are not scientifically provable. It is based on secret information that pertains to the spiritual realm. It is not from the Bible, not from science, but is from spiritual sources. Therefore it is about the “secret things” of Deuteronomy 29:29 that belong only to God. They are forbidden. Those who know Christ not only do not need Enneagram, they should reject it. We warn our listeners against spending their lives trying to find the “True Self” when the bible tells us to dies to the old sinful self and come to Christ for new life in Him. We also have a discussion about God’s immanence and transcendence according to theology derived from the Bible. Enneagram’s panentheism has no true transcendence.
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