God’s Promises are Not Found in Silence - Critical Issues Commentary
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We begin this program discussing God’s transcendence and immanence in light of Isaiah 57:15. We discuss this because Richard Rohr calls God “Totally Other” which raises questions in regard to his panentheistic theology. We show how confused his categories are given this unbiblical worldview. We identify the importance of the transcendence of the true Creator who also condescends to speak clear and authoritative words to humans in languages that can be understood. The silence, solitude and stillness of Enneagram has nothing to do with true, Biblical revelation from God who is transcendent to His own creation. He is not found by “entering the silence.” The God who spoke also acted in history to show the reality of what He predicted He would do. Rohr’s “Totally Other” is silent. This leads to a discussion of “centering prayer” which is called “nonconceptual prayer” by Christopher Heuertz. He claims that this type of prayer is difficult and may take a long time and lots of practice to master. The point of nonconceptual prayer is to silence the mind by focusing on a sacred word or symbol and eventually experience “presence.” We mention a Christian who research the type of meditation the silences the mind and found studies that have uncovered serious side-effects. He shows that the practice is dangerous. The alternative that we present is Biblical prayer which is very much conceptual and is taught by Christ and His apostles. We are to trust God and believe His promises. We point people to Christ and the gospel.
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