Excavating Self or Dying to Self? - Critical Issues Commentary
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This program deals with some serious consequences of Enneagram’s denial of the biblical doctrine of the fall. The transcendence of God as the eternal, Triune Creator is replaced by a man-centered worldview that is incompatible with biblical Christianity. We cite Richard Rohr claiming that Christ represents the world in its “true being” and we explain how unbiblical this claim is. This implies that Rohr teaches a different Christ than the Christ of the Bible. We point our listeners to John 1:1-18 for a true, biblical description of Christ. Another Enneagram author claims that humans all had “original righteousness.” This claim is also antithetical to biblical Christianity. We explore Enneagram’s occultic connections through Carl Jung to the false idea of the “collective unconscious.” Another seriously problematic claim from Enneagram teachers is that we should use it as a tool for excavating the inner “divine being.” We contrast that with the biblical idea of dying to the old man and being made alive to Christ. We show that Enneagram processes amount to a false conversion. This program ends with a presentation of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
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