Fulfill Your Ministry - Alistair Begg
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What is pastoral ministry really about, at its core? The four-fold directive that the Apostle Paul gave to Timothy provides a clear perspective: always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, and fulfill your ministry. In this message, Alistair Begg explores these timeless imperatives and encourages Christian ministers to persevere in preaching the Gospel even in the middle of a challenging culture.
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You Are the Man! (Part 2) - Alistair ...
The account of David’s repentance in 2 Samuel 12 is complemented by Psalm 51, where the king recognizes that sin is a matter not of what he has done but of who he fundamentally is. Alistair Begg reminds us that repentance like David’s is evidence of God’s grace at work in our heart. Through Chris...
Reparations? - E.1 - Wretched TV
How much can we disagree with our brothers and sisters over CRT before we break fellowship? Where do we draw the line? Todd and Darrell discuss how a pastor should shepherd a flock of people who all have differing opinions on CRT. What is the biblical issue with the concept of reparations?