We are saved by God, for God, and from God. Many progressives have a problem with the latter- that we are saved from God Himself, and His righteous wrath toward the sinner.
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God Gave Them Up (Part 2) - Alistair ...
The apostle Paul taught that a society’s moral collapse is evidence of God’s wrath. Walking us through Paul’s teaching on immorality in the opening chapter of Romans, Alistair Begg points out that the same issues that faced the early church—including sexual sin—still abound today. Rather than ada...
Atonement History - AG2: Christ Cruci...
Russell & Sean respond to the historical claims against the doctrine of penal substitution, as well as how we should view the various "images" (or "theories") of the atonement.
Remember Your Baptism - Theocast
For far too many of us, baptism is about us. It is something we do. It is about our testimony. It is about our faithfulness to God. Or maybe, it’s a sentimental thing. But, biblically, baptism is God’s gift to us. It is a sign of our union with Jesus, of the remission of our sins, of our being ra...
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