Grace and Law X: A Law Divided? - The Whole Counsel
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Is it necessary for the New Testament Christian to observe and obey the totality of God’s Law? In one sense, the answer is clearly “YES!” But upon closer inspection, the answer requires more nuance.
To answer the question, we must first define what we mean by law. Throughout Scripture, the word is used to describe the entire Old Testament, the Torah, the rules laid out by God, or the 10 Commandments. But we must be more specific than this. There is a division within the law between the civil, ceremonial, and moral law of God.
Some will question whether it is appropriate to divide the law of God. There isn’t a verse that gives us the liberty to do so, why how can we do that? In this week’s episode, John Snyder and Steve Crampton discuss the three division of God’s law and how the New Testament Christian relates to each.
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