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The Preeminence of Christ - Critical Issues Commentary

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  • The Preeminence of Christ - Critical...

    Colossians 1:15, 16 are the first two verses of the “Christ Hymn” of Colossians 1. The important doctrine of “Christ alone” is grounded in the supremacy of Christ and His sufficiency for our salvation and sanctification. In this passage, “firstborn” means preeminent, not the first of many. Christ...

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    1. I run to Christ when chased by fear
    And find a refuge sure.
    “Believe in Me,” His voice I hear;
    His words and wounds secure.
    I run to Christ when torn by grief
    And find abundant peace.
    “I too had tears,” He gently speaks;
    Thus joy and sorrow meet.

    2. I run to Christ when worn by life
    And find ...

  • When All My Mercies O My God (Hymn 68...

    When all Thy mercies, O my God,
    My rising soul surveys,
    Transported with the view, I’m lost
    In wonder, love and praise.

    To all my weak complaints and cries
    Thy mercy lent an ear,
    Ere yet my feeble thoughts had learned
    To form themselves in prayer.

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    Thy tender care ...