Are we living in the Last Days? Since 2020, this question has plagued believers and unbelievers alike!
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What Really is the Gospel? - Joel Bee...
A Christian can never hear enough of the Gospel. Joel Beeke walks through what the Gospel is exactly, because believers and unbelievers alike need constant reminding. This sermon will lead recipients of God’s grace to be filled with joy as they think of the One who came for sinners.
The Emergent Church & Postmodern Myst...
Some Christian teachers convey the idea that the kingdom of God is “within” each person. Based on that premise they justify that one can make an “inward journey” in order to meet God. Bob DeWaay will show what the Bible teaches: that God is not found by an inward journey, but rather through the G...
The Essential Church - James Coates -...
Book description:
In the spring of 2020, government mandates forced churches across North America to close their doors in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. As societal fear and unrest increased, Christians were forced to grapple with how God wanted them to respond to these state-imposed restric...
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