A Pirate Christian's Guide to the Old Testament (Part 1) - Chris Rosebrough
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Agnosticism: Not A Middle Road - S2:E...
The fastest growing religious sect in the West is: agnosticism. This episode of RTTT dismantle the agnostic worldview and reveals it for what it is: an unsupportable faith system.
A Message for Isaiah Saldivar's Follo...
Recently, Isaiah Saldivar released a video in reaction to a few topics, including a reaction to the extended trailer for the upcoming docuseries, American Gospel: Spirit and Fire.
This video will be a reaction video to his reaction video, with the intention of providing information not provided ...
What Hath Darwin Wrought? - Todd Friel
"What Hath Darwin Wrought?" investigates the shocking history of "social Darwinism" in America and Europe, including the eugenics crusade against the "unfit," the euthanasia movement, Nazi genocide, and current efforts to devalue the lives of the handicapped.
Is social Darwinism a logical applic...