A Survey of the New Testament – Pt. 1 - The Word Unleashed
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In this sermon Tom Pennington explains the first 30 years of Jesus' life as recorded in the New Testament.
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Is Mary the Mother of God? - Core Chr...
Pastor Adriel Sanchez explains the intricate theology of the incarnation and why all Christians say that Mary is the mother of God, the God-bearer.
Original Video:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zl1b6dRC0W4 -
Interview: The Necessity of Reforming...
An interview with W. Robert Godfrey on the newly translated work, The Necessity of Reforming the Church.
This message is from Right Now Counts Forever, Ligonier’s 2021 National Conference. See upcoming Ligonier events at https://www.ligonier.org/events/
Is the Book of Esther About America? ...
Over the years, Lou Engle has hosted numerous gatherings of people where the call to fast and pray is heralded as necessary in order to see the next great move of God. On October 12, 2024, Engle is calling for one million women to gather at the Mall in Washington, D.C. to pray and fast as Esthers...