For all of our followers who are anticipating some AG3: Spirit & Fire news, here is an update!
For the past few months we have been working on a ten-minute extended trailer of AG3 (in addition to progressing with work on the final docuseries), to give you a preview of the content of this project. Read more here:
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Logic on Fire - The Life and Legacy o...
When Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899—1981) gave a series of lectures on the subject of preaching in 1969, he coined a phrase that became an emblematic description of his own ministry: “What is preaching?” he asked. “Logic on fire!” But what exactly does it mean, and how does it manifest?
Logic on Fi... -
Itching Ears: Doreen Virtue's Testimo...
Doreen Virtue spent 22 years in the New Age as a best-selling author and teacher, until the Lord used a Truth for Life sermon to pierce her heart and lead her to saving faith.
Prosperity in Suffering (Part 1) - Th...
The Berger family prepares to move to a new home while dealing with Katherine's intestinal failure and Campbell's diagnosis.
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