A Change of Heart - Allen Nelson - Exposit the Word
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Book description:
"Not long ago, I was asked to write on the topic, "If Christianity is so good, why are Christians so bad?"—a question made vastly more difficult by the problem of "false professors" in the pews. I'm grateful that Allen Nelson has accessibly, persuasively, and winsomely laid out the case for restricting the title, "Christian," to the regenerate. As A Change of Heart negotiates the theological currents and rapids associated with monergism, Ordo salutes, sacraments, etc. it's chock-full of scripture citations, helpful analogies (employing The Princess Bride, spinach, buzzards, and a hostage situation), and rich quotes (such as Martyn Lloyd-Jones's "It is true of a man not only that he is in the dark, but that the darkness is also in him") . . . with even a touch of humor (referring to Jesus John 3 visit to "Nick at Night"). And Nelson's use of other voices is most impressive, so much so that I started grouping them alphabetically to see if every letter was covered. Pretty close, to include this sampling: Augustine and Ascol; Beeke, Berkhof, Bavinck, Bunyan, and Boettner; Calvin, Carson, and Cyprian; Dagg, Edwards, Flavel, Grudem, Hodge, Judson, Keach, Luther, MacArthur, Nettles, Owen, Packer, Reisinger, Sproul, Tertullian, Vaughan, and, for W, Wesley, Whitefield, Watson, and Washer.
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