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Begin My Tongue Some Heavenly Theme (Hymn #134) - S2:E2 - Hymnology

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  • Begin My Tongue Some Heavenly Theme (...

    1. Begin, my tongue, some heav’nly theme,
    And speak some boundless thing,
    The mighty works, or mightier name
    Of our eternal King.

    2. Tell of His wondrous faithfulness,
    And sound His pow’r abroad;
    Sing the sweet promise of His grace,
    And our redeeming God.

    3. His very word of grace is strong
    As ...

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  • The Great Exchange in the Old Testame...

    In order to fully appreciate God’s grace to us in Christ, we first need to understand the seriousness of man’s fall, and the depth of our sin. Once we have grasped this, then we should focus our attention on unfolding God’s promise to provide a coming redeemer and advocate which he announced thro...