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Cultural Denominationalism - E.119 - The Just Thinking Podcast

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  • Cultural Denominationalism - E.119 - ...

    Does the world have anything to offer the Church today? It appears that some protestant churches, denominations – and their leaders – seem to think so. But to what end? What’s the payoff for them? Are there to be no distinctions between the kingdom of darkness (the world) and the kingdom of Light...

  • An Uncertain Atheist - E.3 - Wretched TV

    In this episode, a conversation unfolds between Todd and an atheist, beginning with a discussion on atheism and agnosticism, where the atheist ultimately admits uncertainty about the existence of God. The dialogue then shifts to the Baptist background, religious education, and a comparison of the...

  • Hebrews II: Looking Unto Jesus - The ...

    John continues discussing the book of Hebrews with Jordan Thomas this week. Taking their cues from Hebrews 12, John and Jordan discuss how we are to live our lives looking unto Jesus.

    Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders ...