The #LeaveLOUD movement is urging black evangelical Christians to exit white evangelical spaces, primarily on the basis that white evangelical Christians don't recognize or celebrate black evangelical Christians for who they are. But is such a movement biblical? On this episode of the Just Thinking podcast, Darrell Harrison and Virgil 'Omaha' Walker take a look at #LeaveLOUD through the broader lens of "activist theology," and Christians who see an activist gospel as a means to achieve a particular end within the Church.
Pre-order: "Just Thinking About the State" - Just Thinking Ministries & Founders Press
The Just Thinking Scholarship - Just Thinking Ministries & The Master's University
Wokeness & the Gospel Conference - June 11-12, 2021 at Denton Bible Church, Denton TX:
The Myth of Influence - John MacArthur, Ligonier Conference 2003:
"When Should People Leave Their Church?" - John MacArthur, Grace to You blog:
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