The Color Question - E.9 - Confronting Injustice Without Compromising Truth
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Does our vision of social justice promote racial strife?
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Discipleship Explored Episode 4 - Obe...
Just as Jesus obeyed his Father, so we must obey our Father too. Our obedience must not be a way to earn our salvation, Jesus has already earned it for us, Paul tells us to "work out your salvation" in Philippians 2:12. When we live obediently, we will " stars"(Philippians 2:15). Othe...
Deliverance from Deliverance Ministr...
The advent of social media and YouTube has given new life to the Deliverance movement. A young group of Charismatic leaders has come up through the ranks with skills for online communication and marketing. They have duped millions of people into the belief that Christians can and often do have in...
Gutting the Scripture of Its Power - ...
Many Christians today feel absolutely drained and powerless. They have tried every solution under the sun to overcome their sin, grow in Christ, and mature in their faith, striving for sanctification. Yet, they feel defeated and often question, “Am I even God's? Do I truly belong to Him?” It seem...