Copeland's "Little Gods" Doctrine Refuted - Digging Deeper: Andreas Wiget
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This is what Kenneth Copeland writes in his book "The Blessing of the Lord," "When God created man, He actually copied Himself. ... In my spirit, I saw God standing up, holding Adam’s body in front of Him. The first thing I noticed was they were the same size. Adam’s form was just like God’s except it was limp and grayish looking. It didn’t have much color to it. When God spoke to Adam, He spoke right into his face. He didn’t blow into his mouth to get life into him. He just stood face to face with him. God’s nose was right in front of Adam’s nose. His mouth was level with Adam’s. His eyes—the eyes of Compassion Himself—looking into Adam’s eyes, seemed to be pouring into him everything God is. All His love, light, life, goodness and mercy were being infused into this man. God was merging into Adam His very Being! Adam didn’t hear the first words God spoke to him because he wasn’t yet alive. But once those words entered him, they did their creative work and, as the Bible says, “Man became a living soul.” The Hebrew commentaries put it this way: “He became a living, speaking spirit like God.”As a living, speaking spirit like God, man had the same power to speak that God Himself had. He was full of God’s own faith and had the authority to speak creative, compassionate words and exercise dominion with them. Born of God’s WORD and created in His exact likeness, man was Love just like God is Love. Man was Light just like God is Light. Man was full of Compassion just like God is full of Compassion. Man was Life just as God is Life. The only difference between man and God was this: Unlike God who is eternally sovereign and independent, man was dependent on God. In all other ways, God and man were so exactly alike that when the angels saw God and Adam together for the first time, they must have thought they were seeing double. What a shock it must have been to see the Eternal, Almighty God in all His radiant Light and Glory standing face to face with someone who looked just like Him! Someone who had the same radiance and the same fiery presence.16 Someone who was, as we say in my part of the country, the “spitting image” of God. Although that term is a colloquialism, in this case it’s the literal truth. One theory is that it originated from the phrase “spirit and image,” and that’s exactly what Adam was. He was the spirit and image of God Himself. He wasn’t just a little like God, he was exactly like Him. He didn’t contain a part of God, he contained everything God is. He was absolutely filled with God."
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