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Puritan: All of Life to the Glory of ...
If you think the Puritans are defined by scarlet letters and witch burnings, you really don't know these physicians of the soul. Get to know the Puritans in this feature-length documentary that spans continents and centuries.
Puritan: All of Life to the Glory of God is part of a larger study on...
God is Sovereign Over Your Cancer - E...
God is sovereign over cancer? Yes, it is a theological truth that is biblical and undeniable, but it is a difficult doctrine to internally process. Especially after hearing the words: “You have cancer” or “your loved one has cancer.” One of the things that would be worse than having cancer? if Go...
Should We Call Out False Teachers? - ...
Sometimes social media posts lead to teachable moments. In this episode, we respond to the accusation that Christians who call out false teachers by name are being arrogant, judgmental, or unbiblical.