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Criteria for Church Membership - E.2 - Wretched TV

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Why Are There So Many False Prophets Today? - Core Live - 11/10/23

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  • Criteria for Church Membership - E.2 ...

    On this Twitter Tuesday, Todd reads some biblically solid and pithy tweets from Alistair Begg, ACBC, and Charles Spurgeon.

  • Discerning False Teaching According t...

    Have you ever been told that questioning an apostle, prophet, or popular leader is unwelcome? Have you ever been told that by questioning a leader, you have a demonic entity in operation? Have you ever heard a false teacher provide teaching on how to discern false teaching or a particular spirit?...

  • Hallelu Jah! My Redeemer (Hymn #200) ...

    1. Let me ponder perfect mercy,
    Like a fountain filled with grace!
    My Redeemer came and found me!
    In His death stood in my place!

    Hallelu Jah! My Redeemer!
    My Redeemer and my King!
    Hallelu Jah! What a Savior!
    For His love my praise I sing!
    For His love my praise I sing!

    2. I was blind ...