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What Does It Mean to be Born Again? - E.8 - Wretched TV

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Why Should We Care About Porn if It Wasn’t an Issue During Biblical Times?

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  • What Does It Mean to be Born Again? -...

    Todd talks with Valentino on what it means to be born again on this Witness Wednesday. Valentino does not want to leave the Roman Catholic church because of his family and how the system is comfortable. Todd explains what it truly means to be born again in the eyes of God.

  • Jesus Shall Reign (Hymn 120) - S3:E14...

    1. Jesus shall reign where’er the sun
    Does its successive journeys run;
    His kingdom spread from shore to shore,
    Till moons shall wax and wane no more.

    2. To Him shall endless prayer be made,
    And endless praises crown His head;
    His name like sweet perfume shall rise
    With ev’ry morning sacrifice.

  • A High View of Scripture (Part 3) - T...