What Do I Do If My Family Is Conflicted around Thanksgiving? - Core Live
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What do I do if my family is conflicted around Thanksgiving? Call us with your questions on the Bible and the Christian life now at 833-843-2673. Check out our free offer for AGTV viewers: corechristianity.com/agtv
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Servant Songs V: Isaiah 50 - The Whol...
If you were to describe the coming Messiah, where would you begin? Isaiah begins in a strange place. He starts with the effective ministry of Jesus. He compares the perfect Servant of God with the failing servant in Israel. He contrasts the suffering of Israel due to their sinfulness and Jesus' s...
Servant Songs VI: Isaiah 53 - The Who...
In this final servant song, God gives us a shocking description of His perfect servant. He tells us, through the prophet Isaiah, that although His servant is of infinite worth and glory will be esteemed by worthless men as worthless. He will be rejected by man, but His sacrifice will be accepted ...
Questioning Conventional Wisdom (Part...
On this episode, Shane tells the story of Egyptologist David Rohl by weaving together various interviews and audio clips over the past few decades related to his research into the New Chronology. In the second half of the program Shane talks with Dr. Rohl about a number of fascinating discoveries...