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Useless and Harmful Mystical Solitude - Critical Issues Commentary

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Are Adam and Eve Metaphorical or Historical? - Core Live - 3/3/23

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  • Useless and Harmful Mystical Solitude...

    Mystics have promoted meditative practices based on solitude for many centuries. We describe an ancient mystic named Anthony who went to a cemetery to meditate in solitude. The result was demonic torment. Now there is a new twist on such mysticism as Enneagram proponents claim they can tailor sp...

  • Is This Counterfeit Christianity? - T...

    This topic has been debated by people far more intelligent than me and Bible scholars far more qualified. It is a topic that causes great tension among those who disagree on both sides of the aisle for centuries. What is it you ask?

    Join me as we look at a recent interview regarding counterfeit ...

  • Sardis: Dead Christianity - The Word ...

    In this sermon Tom Pennington explains how the church of Sardis was characterized by dead Christianity.