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A Pirate and a Former False Prophet Have a Discussion! - The Lovesick Sc...

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Are All Ghost Sightings Inherently Evil? - Core Live - 6/11/24

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  • A Pirate and a Former False Prophet H...

    Within areas of the Charismatic movement, there is a reluctance to call an individual a false prophet, even when evidence is provided to confirm this very thing. There are additional categories for prophets created within the prophetic movement, arguably convoluting the ability to call one a fals...

  • A Tale of Revival and Super Bowl Prop...

    On February 8, 2023, a normal chapel service on the campus of Asbury University turned into a days long and ongoing revival. Many people from all over the country are now flocking to this very location, seeking revival. Other reports are coming out where students at other colleges are gathering t...

  • A Critique of the Seven Mountain Mand...

    Bill Johnson uses Luke 19:13 (KJV) to support his claim that we must take dominion and "occupy" until Christ comes. He claims we are to be like a military and invade. Bob and Eric show that "occupy" in Luke 19 means to do business or trade. This passage is showing that we are to be about Christ's...