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Biblical Revival - E.7 - Wretched TV

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Are Christian Marriages Always Supposed to Be Exciting? - Core Live - 6/12/24

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  • Biblical Revival - E.7 - Wretched TV

    Todd reads tweets from ACBC, Alan Shlemon, and Michelle Lesley. He discusses revival and how to go about talking to those we do not always agree with.

  • Christ Is Our Highpriest - P9 - Disho...

    Dominionist spiritual warfare teachers claim that there is power in our words. One text that they misuse to support this claim is Hebrews 3:1. Francis Frangipane writes, "Christ, as the High Priest of our Confession (Heb. 3:1), takes our words, whether in faith or unbelief, and allocates back to...

  • Silencing The Conversation - E.4 - Wr...

    In this continuation of Todd's conversation with Dr. Erwin Lutzer, they discuss propaganda and today's news media. Todd explains what a Motte and Bailey is, and they both discuss presentism and what we need to do as a result of our fallen world.