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Smashing Stuff for God - The Messed U...
Lou Engle is known for organizing massive stadium events in which Charismatics gather to accomplish significant things in the spiritual realm. This year, he hosted a women's gathering at the National Mall. Steve Kozar reviews the high energy rituals performed during the event and questions their ...
Descended into Hell - P3- Dishonoring...
In the next two episodes we will be discussing the Ransom Theory of the Atonement. We begin this discussion by showing from Scripture that Jesus did not descend into hell to wrestle with Satan but rather ascended directly into heaven.
The Misplaced Zeal of Cultural Transf...
In today’s episode, Jon and Justin have another conversation related to end-times theology. This time, the guys consider the perspective that the church is to be ushering in a golden age prior to Christ’s return--that through the faithfulness of the church, things will continue to get better and ...
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