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Mystery - E.11 - Defending Your Faith - RC Sproul

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Does Jesus Weep With Us? - Theocast

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  • Mystery - E.11 - Defending Your Faith...

    Can we penetrate the depths of the concept of the Trinity? What about the incarnation of Jesus, where there is one person with two complete natures? We are now introducing a category about which Dr. Sproul would say that it’s safe to say the Scripture has many mysteries. In “Mystery”, we find th...

  • The Marrow of Assurance - E.10 - The ...

    Along with the free offer of the gospel, legalism, and antinomianism, assurance was the fourth issue that fueled the Marrow Controversy. In this lesson, Dr. Ferguson explains how assurance relates to the other concepts and how the church throughout the centuries has understood assurance of salvat...

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