The Enneagram is not about what type of person someone is according to the Enneagram masters, but each number is a path to God. We are not separated from God but have simply invented a false self that thinks we are separated from God. The number of our personal path takes us on the road back to our true identity and the realization we have never been separated from God.
Dr. R. Philip Roberts was past-president of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, Missouri. Previously he served as Vice President, Strategic Cities Strategies Group of the Southern Baptist Convention’s (SBC) North American Mission Board. He also serves as the Executive Director of Christian Ministries to the U.N. Community office in New York City as well as ministries to government leaders in Washington, D.C. Phil was a professor at Southeastern and Southern Baptist Theological Seminaries and had served as the pastor of churches in Belgium, England and Germany. He has also previously served as the Director of the Interfaith Witness Department, where he was greatly involved in the production of the SBC-produced video The Mormon Puzzle, which brought him into extensive dialogue with LDS leaders and experts, including one of the co-authors of the controversial book How Wide the Divide, Stephen Robinson. Dr. Roberts was also a contributor to The Counterfeit Gospel of Mormonism. He is on the Board of Directors for Evangelicals Missions to Non-Christian Religions.
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